So simple the name and the ordinary address outwardly so extraordinary is the revelation with descend of the 28 sandstone-steps to the impressive cove. How many stories these walls could tell, of erstwhile drinking bouts to one of the first addresses of fine taste in Germany.
A feeling of comfort arises under the wide arches and alcoves on which the wine-saints look down. To the art lover the collection of historic pieces are apparent – the Madonna from South-Italy, the ottonic sand-stone-head (900 A.D.), the gothic Mother Anna (1400), the south-german Bärbele, the frankish damsel, St. Johannes and St. Nepomuk (1530), St. Jakobus Maj (1720), St. Margaretha and St. Barbara (1750), as well as amphora of the hellenic and pre-romanic antiquity. Armor and helmet of a swedish rider from the Thirty-Year-War, found under the bed of a wine-cellar, surmises the eventful past of this house.
Precious and old wrought ironwork on door and gate, on lamps and many rarities gives these rooms a glorious guise. The magical, musical and vocal accentuated hours of cheerful, joyful gatherings will never be forgotten. Meetings every evening at the honey-light of candles in the Faust- or Luther-cellar, in the Refugium, in the Klausur, in the Refektorium or at Diogenes.

The Faust-cellar is reminiscent of the grand son of Frankfurt, the poet and philosopher, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The front side of the 20.000litre barrel is graced with a Goethe-Relief and jolly carvings to themes out of Faust.
Whenever the way leads you in Frankfurt to a night out: Here you are a sight for sore eyes, a dear guest, who will not only be delighted by a romantic experience, but will speak of a memorable evening in the realm of Bacchus and Lukull.